After the inspirational visit to the Tate Britain, it seems I can’t get enough of the art scene in London. Can you blame me? On a sunny afternoon last week, I went determined to Chelsea to visit the Saatchi Gallery with my work colleagues Nicolas and Charlotte.
Saatchi GalleryWe soaked up some sun before going into the gallery; spring appears to be on its way!
After dropping off our coats we eagerly went to the first exhibition.

Nicolas and I can’t get enough of the bags!
The first exhibit in the picture above was impressive; can you imagine that there were 97,000 blue plastic bags?!

Charlotte getting inspired
One of the 14 exhibition rooms featured trees. The second one reminds me of a sunny day in summer lying on the grass and gazing up at the sky and the trees. Do you agree?

What a funny little thing..


Colours, Colours, Colours!
Charlotte, Nicolas and I had a long discussion on the painting below. What do you see? I am always amazed at how art can be interpreted in so many different ways.

What do you see?

Agh…. they are everywhere!
I am really really scared of insects. The exhibition above gave me the shivers, especially because the ants were much bigger than a hand.

Who doesn’t love Superheroes & Disney characters?
Inspirational quotes can be found around the gallery; we all liked the following one the most.
“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individual”. – Martin Luther King Jr.
This was one of the last exhibits (below) and at this point we were all considering ourselves art connoisseurs, yet when we made it to the exhibition we were slightly lost. The picture captures the idea but not the initial sensation you get when you see it. We thought we had to climb downstairs and that somewhere down there we would find what we were supposed to look at. After a minute or so we realised that the lower level is a reflection of the top one! It was really mesmerising to look at and understand how the effects were achieved!

What a great way to end the visit
Looking for a hotel in the area?
- My Favourite!
Which was your favourite?